How do i get started in heelwork to music or canine freestyle ?
Before you start in either of these sports its always best to have some good basic obedience. The next step is to
work on the easier moves such as twist, round, weave etc how to teach these can be found on the Moves DVD or
the book which are both available in the shop.
As you dogs toolbox of moves increases you can start to attach some together and this will be the start of
performing a routine
How long should i train my dog for ?
Its best to train your dog for five minutes a few times a day
rather than one long session. Try and pick times when your
dog is more receptive which maybe before feeding or if an
excitable dog that could be after a walk.
What advice would i give someone competing for the first
time ?
The best advice would be to make sure you know your
routine inside out. if you have not listened to the music a
hundred times then you need to listen to it more. You don’t
need to work the dog when learning the routine just walk
through it without the dog but giving the commands as if
working the dog.
On the day do not work the dog too much at the venue just
a little bit of attention work is best. Above all when you are
in the ring smile and keep the dog moving even if the
routine is going wrong.
How do i progress the moves my dog can perform?
There are many ways you can make the moves your dog
performs look a lot harder. You can teach the dog to
perform the move at a distance if it is a static move. You can
also have the dog behind you or facing ahead of you. Any of
these will score you well when you get into the ring to